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Matured Beef Tenderloin with Truffle and Roasted Pumpkin

4 Servings

110 Minutes
110 分鐘



  • 16 oz of Matured beef tenderloin 16 盎司熟成牛里脊肉

  • 3.50 oz of Button mushrooms 3.50 盎司蘑菇

  • 2 Shallots 2個青蔥

  • 2 lbs of Pumpkin 2磅南瓜

  • 1 oz of Black Truffle 1 盎司黑松露

  • 2 cups of Heavy Crème Fraîche 2 杯鮮奶油

  • 1 tbsp of Butter 1湯匙牛油

  • 2 tbsp of White wine 2湯匙白葡萄酒

  • 2 tbsp of Groundnut oil 2湯匙花生油

  • 2 tbsp of Olive Oil 2湯匙橄欖油

  • Salt and ground pepper 鹽和胡椒粉


Step 1

Preheat oven and to 350 °F (convection). Cut the pumpkin into quarters. Remove seeds with a spoon. Cut the quarters into fine slices. Arrange pumpkin slices on the tray and drizzle with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Bake pumpkin for 30 minutes

預熱焗爐至 350 °F(對流)。把南瓜切成四等分並去籽,再切成細片。把南瓜片置烤盤上,淋上橄欖油,用鹽和胡椒調味,烤30分鐘

Step 2

Peel and thinly slice shallots and button mushrooms. In a frying pan, sauté the shallots and mushrooms over a high heat with a tablespoon of butter, for 10 minutes, without browning them. Pour in white wine. Reduce the heat and leave to cook for a further 5 minutes. Add cream, mix and continue cooking for 10 more minutes

青蔥和香菇去皮切薄片。在煎鍋裡以一湯匙牛油高溫炒10分鐘,但不宜炒至變色。倒入白葡萄酒,收火再煮5分鐘。加入奶油,繼續煮 10 分鐘

Step 3

Remove pumpkin from oven. Pass the sauce through a strainer over a mixing bowl


Step 4

Roughly chop the truffle with a knife and add to sauce. Mix. Keep the sauce warm in a small pan on a very gentle heat


Step 5

Preheat a pan on high heat, with a little groundnut oil. Cook the slices of matured beef tenderloin for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Serve beef drizzled with truffle sauce and sprinkled with truffle pieces, accompanied by a few slices of pumpkin

大火預熱平底鍋,加入少許花生油。將熟成牛里脊片每邊煮 3 到 4 分鐘。上桌時淋上松露醬,撒上松露片,再配上幾片南瓜

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